DATASENSING is DATALOGIC Sensor&Safety-MV business unit and M.D. MICRO DETECTORS.
DATASENSING is two companies with 50 years of history, together more than 100 years on.
DATASENSING is developing, manufacturing and supplying Machine Vision, Sensor and Safety.
DATASENSING is 222 product lines and more than 22500 standard and custom part numbers.
DATASENSING is reaching 76 mi. € sales revenues and more than 350 employees worldwide.
DATASENSING is present worldwide, with HQ in Italy and main offices in Europe, China and US.
DATASENSING is sustainable with many Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) initiatives.
DATASENSING is easing automation challenges: machine vision deep learning, sensors & safety.
DATASENSING is Your top of mind partner to innovate sensing solutions for industrial automation.
DATASENSING mission is "to create added value through smart sensing solutions based on sustainable standard and custom products, developed with care and leading know how.”